our distinctives

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Our Distinctives

  • TACO is the only evangelistic group whose primary goal is to use the creative and performing arts to see Muslim peoples everywhere come to Christ and be incorporated into the local church.
  • TACO is a ministry of relationships - relationships with local believers and church leaders, performers, fellow workers and our audiences.
  • We break down cultural and language barriers through the use of music, the arts, sports and other creative means.
  • We work hard at learning the language and culture of Turkey, where we are based, so we can contextualise our message as much as possible.
  • Sometimes our creativity is most apparent as we seek to find inroads to share the gospel with EVERYONE - day in and day out.
  • We depend on local believers and churches to co-sponsor our events and follow up those who express interest in the message they hear.
  • We always aim to be culturally relevant, but are not always constrained by cultural sensitivities.
  • TACO is a gathering place for those who don't fit the traditional missionary mould but who are longing to 'go for it' with God.

Key Focus Areas

Evangelism and Church Planting

Function as a tool and catalyst for partnering efforts in outreach and church planting.


Link local and foreign artists and performers, churches supporting artists, and local churches and organizations to further the Kingdom of God in the Muslim World.


Develop and strengthen worship, arts, missions, evangelism and outreach in the context of the Muslim World.

Cultural Relevance

Continue awareness, research and application to ensure our outreaches are culturally relevant.