Almost rained out
April 25, 2016
The team in Albania spent Thursday to Saturday rehearsing music, dance, and "The Gardener" drama. They had a lot of things to organise before they could start performances and they've been grateful for David, the tour leader, who has provided them all of the time and resources they've needed to get their performance ready. They have also really been enjoying the devotions they have been doing each day, focusing on Colossians. It has been very relevant for the work they are doing in Albania.
Yesterday (Sunday), they had their first performance in a village called Cërrik, which happens to be the most radical Islamic area in Albania. A local church planting team from a network of churches worked with them. This main partner of Taco's has a vision to have a church in each of the 98 villages in Albania. Taco has already helped plant 17 of these churches.
There had been some rain as the team was travelling, but thankfully it ceded once they reached the venue. However, as soon as they had finished setting everything up, the rain returned in full force. There was already a large crowd who were waiting undercover for them to start. After a lot of prayer and talking with the organiser, they decided that rain or shine the show would go on. They had a crowd of 300+ people wearing hoods and huddling under umbrellas. It was amazing that despite the and and off rain during the show it went really well and almost all of the crowd stayed for the entire show.
Please be praying for the people in Cërrik that they would seek God through what they saw and heard in the show, and that these Islamic radicals would become radical about Jesus.
If you can please continue to uphold our team and the local Albanian believers in prayer that God would give them good health, boldness and opportunities to share the good news with those who haven't yet heard it.