Since using the arts as a vehicle for sharing our faith in Jesus with Muslims is our "stock-in-trade" you might say, some of us occasionally have a few thoughts on the matter. As they say in Turkish "işte bunlar..." (here they are...)
My mother was a smoker - but she only smoked at home or on social occasions. She would never smoke on the street or in a car. As a child I remember her telling me this on many occasions, and she would look down on people - especially other women -...
It used to frustrate me. I’d explain some aspect of the Gospel at a concert in the clearest way I knew with a culturally appropriate story followed by a succinct explanation of the point I was trying to make. Sometimes it might even draw a round...
One thing that's on the agenda of many governments these days is that of homosexual marriage. I am not going to debate the rights and wrongs of such a policy change. It is the fact that societies around the world are seriously trying to decide...
A friend of mine who has been at the task of sharing the Gospel with people in Turkey for many more years than I, once made the remark that most people here are allergic to the Gospel. It was an interesting comment, and if it is actually true, one...
I suspect it's an old chestnut that Christians who want to use the arts for evangelism have struggled with through the ages: should my main focus beon the art, or should it be the evangelistic message? Can I somehow do both without compromising...
I have been asked several times through the years the questions "is it safe?" or "is it dangerous?". I wrote something up for one group and then sent it out several times as a standard reply. You can find the general letter below.
All of us work in different ways, but here goes a nice link from a chap explaining how he sketches out and thinks through his artwork. So much Christian visual art (at least from the evangelical circles I have moved in, and especially when it is...