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Pray for health

February 12, 2013

Please pray for Peter, a new TACO team member who is arriving in two days but is struggling with illness in his home country.  Ask God to teach him and help him arrive healthy and ready to dig into his new culture and ministry!

Steiger outreach starting

January 9, 2013

Today we have 8 folks doing a discipleship training course in Germany with Steiger coming to Turkey for 2 weeks (and tomorrow, three more from the Ukraine). After a couple of days of orientation stuff, they will be doing a bunch or personal evangelism. Please pray for:

  • Lots of great opportunities to meet and talk with English, German or Russian speaking people in İstanbul and Turkey
  • Great team unity. We're all quite a disparate bunch, and one person doesn't speak any English!
  • Good enough weather that we can get out to meet people (İstanbul schools are currently closed under a blanket of snow)
  • God to touch not only the people the team talks with, but also to inspire all of us with his heart for the millions of Muslims in this country who have no idea what Jesus did for them.

TV Filming (update)

January 8, 2013

For those who prayed, we are thankful that we did indeed get good weather. We were held up time-wise due to some permissions issues that the TV station hadn't correctly organised - but we still got through it once, and the new folks in the team learnt and performed their roles well. Unfortunately TV station appears to have gone bankrupt (or something like that), and so the footage hasn't actually been aired. At the very least, we still were able to do the show and let a bunch of folks on Turkey's busiest walking street that Jesus is the one true sacrifice who can bring us into God's presence.

The pre-show Turkish song we played to draw a crowd, and the actual show itself (almost 12 minutes) are on YouTube.

TV Filming

December 4, 2012

Assuming the weather holds, the street show Taco has developed this year is going to be filmed by a national Turkish TV station and - hopefully - broadcast on national TV. Things to pray for include...

  • That they wouldn't cut the Jesus ending from the show
  • That it doesn't rain on Wednesday Dec 5 (if you didn't know, it can be very cold and rainy in Istanbul in the winter!)
  • Regardless of the filming, that people watching us on the street are touched by the show
  • New folks learn their parts quickly and well

Website launch

November 23, 2012

Pray for those working on our website, that it would accurately reflect who we are and what we do and that everything would work properly.  We'd love to see more recruits and prayer partners emerge!

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